Interplay Links
If you appreciated the session on Body Wisdom, you might be interested in learning more about InterPlay or even attending a session during you retreat. Since most Interplay groups are meeting online, there are quite a few options to join an open group. If you want to participate but are choosing to stay silent, contact the group leader in advance and I am sure they can accommodate you.
The source for all things Interplay is At that address you can find information about the program and link to all the groups that are meeting. Here are a few open groups that are meeting to help you get started. Interplayers are kind, open, fun-loving people. If you tell them that you are new to Interplay they will welcome you warmly.
InterPlay for Women (drop-in)
Now online!
with Annie Goglia and Susan Main
Mondays (ongoing) • 10:30 am–noon PT
Live Online InterPlay Sessions
with Sheila K Collins,PhD
ONLINE • Friday’s at 10:30 am EDT
Wisdom of the Body - Deep Play-
A Time to stay connected and play together in this time of Social Separation!
with Nancy Pfaltzgraf
ONLINE • Gather every Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30pm Pacific Time.
Radical Self-Care Series
with Sheila K Collins,PhD and Christine Gautreaux, MSW
ONLINE • Tuesdays at 11:30 AM/EDT 8:30 AM/PDT 9:30 AM/MDT 10:30 AM/CDT
Lots more options listed at
The source for all things Interplay is At that address you can find information about the program and link to all the groups that are meeting. Here are a few open groups that are meeting to help you get started. Interplayers are kind, open, fun-loving people. If you tell them that you are new to Interplay they will welcome you warmly.
InterPlay for Women (drop-in)
Now online!
with Annie Goglia and Susan Main
Mondays (ongoing) • 10:30 am–noon PT
Live Online InterPlay Sessions
with Sheila K Collins,PhD
ONLINE • Friday’s at 10:30 am EDT
Wisdom of the Body - Deep Play-
A Time to stay connected and play together in this time of Social Separation!
with Nancy Pfaltzgraf
ONLINE • Gather every Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30pm Pacific Time.
Radical Self-Care Series
with Sheila K Collins,PhD and Christine Gautreaux, MSW
ONLINE • Tuesdays at 11:30 AM/EDT 8:30 AM/PDT 9:30 AM/MDT 10:30 AM/CDT
Lots more options listed at